

"Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

In the western world, Chinese medicine is most strongly associated with acupuncture. At Vidor Acupuncture we see the most positive outcomes when one combines acupuncture, herbs and/or supplements and lifestyle changes.  Today we are also lucky to have access to many forms of testing which take out the guesswork out of supplementation. Whatever your preference, Carla will work with you to support your individual needs and wants.



Acupuncture has its origins dating thousands of years back. It is a traditional practice based on bringing the body’s functions back into harmony by placing fine needles along pathways or meridians. With the gentle insertion at different acupuncture points, a therapeutic effect can be achieved body-wide through the strong connections between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. Even though this is an ancient medicine, modern day research acknowledges acupuncture effects on both the mind and body. A large part of acupuncture’s relaxation effect is through the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. When the body is truly out of fight-or-flight, it makes it easier to correct its own imbalances.

Herbal Medicine & Neutraceuticals

Chinese herbs are part Eastern medicine's tradition for healing the body and have been used for thousands of years to address any deficiencies or areas of excess in the organs and meridians. Whether you have migraines, insomnia, difficulties conceiving, or are dealing with fatigue, the herbal formulas are tailored to the individual to address the symptoms as well as any constitutional or root imbalances. All of the herbs and formulas are properly tested for heavy metals and contaminants.

Nutrition & Lifestyle

Chinese medicine does not give us an easy way out. Usually there are necessary lifestyle changes that will result in better treatment outcomes. Modern-day living is definitely not forgiving with the amount of stress, pollution, and chemical additives it provides us. It's good practice to consider our daily choices when it comes to what we consume and take in, and our activity and sleep habits. Every choice can take us either towards, or away from our health goals.


Occasionally it becomes relevant to look at diagnostic testing to check for metabolic dysfunction, hormonal imbalance or environmental toxins that may be resulting in chronic illness or even difficulty conceiving. The ultimate benefit of testing is it allows us to make informed, objective decisions by taking the guesswork out of supplementation or lifestyle practices.

Types of testing offered:

Nutraceutical Testing | Toxic Profiles | Hormone Testing |  GI testing

What We Treat


Unexplained Infertility


Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Diminished ovarian reserve/premature ovarian failure 

Recurrent miscarriage

Miscarriage recovery

Short luteal phase

Irregular menstrual cycles

PMS and painful periods

No periods

Pregnancy-related concerns

Labor Preparation

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